If you’ve been trying to quit vaping for some time now, take advantage of this time at home to better yourself. In order to break any bad habit, you first have to understand why you may have started this habit in the first place. So why did your brain get into the routine of juuling?
Understanding the cycle of your habit:
The trigger – This is that uncomfortable or stressful feeling that seems to consume you and you want to make go away. This feeling can be caused by numerous social or emotional situations such as pressure from peers, relationships or school-work.
The routine – This is the act of juuling itself. You may not even realize when you are taking a hit of your juul. It’s almost like it becomes second nature.
The reward – This is that satisfying feeling you get from hitting your juul. You know, that rush where all the stress you were dealing with a second ago just goes away.
Now that you understand why you have this routine, it’s time to change it. Keys to break your bad habit:
1. Getting into a new environment~ Congratulations you already completed step 1! Now that you are home from school you may be less likely to experience those social situations where you felt the need to juul. And what better way to start something new than a change of scenery.
2. Reframe your thinking~ In order to break the routine, or habit itself, you have to change your mindset. Yes, it is true that most of our habits are controlled in our brains. Instead of thinking about what you are losing (the act of juuling), think about what you are gaining (a much healthier mind and body).
3. Find a replacement for your routine~ Decide something you are going to do every time you feel the need to juul. When you feel that stress, do this new routine. Maybe you decide to call a friend, or pet your dog, or go for a run. Find something that makes you happy and allow this to become your new habit and you’ll still experience that rewarding feeling.
4. Go easy on yourself~ It takes a lot of hard work to break a habit. It will not happen over night. Do not be too hard on yourself if you slip up a few times. Just get back into your new routine and before you know it you’ll be on your way to a healthier, happier version of yourself.